Arlana Delamere
Arlana Delamere
Licensed Immigration Adviser

Arlana Delamere is a licensed immigration adviser and a senior member of the TDA Immigration team. As the daughter of Tuariki Delamere, the founder of TDA Immigration, Arlana has many years experience helping migrants navigate the complexities of the New Zealand visa system.

Before joining TDA Immigration, Arlana served as the managing director of Finale Restaurant, a popular drag-queen themed cabaret restaurant located on Karangahape Road. During her nine-year tenure at Finale, Arlana honed her skills in leadership, customer service, and event management, providing her with a unique perspective that she brings to her work at TDA Immigration.

Arlana is a mother of four and understands the challenges that families face when relocating to a new country and is dedicated to helping them settle into their new lives in New Zealand.

Our Team of Licensed Immigration Advisers and Support Staff